Hallo Familie!
Nun ist es auch schon wieder vorbei – das Parkfest 2022 vom 13. August im Freiluftkino im Volkspark Friedrichshain.
Bilder gibt es auf unserer Instagram Seite: Parkfest Friedrichshain (@parkfest.fhain) • Instagram-Fotos und -Videos
Es war schön mit euch! Wir sehen uns im nächsten Jahr.
Das Programm im Rückblick:
Marie Mondieu (Stefan Kuschner) wird uns durch den Tag begleiten und unsere Gäste auf der Bühne begrüßen.
Zu unserem Familientreffen gehören Fatal Flash und Freunde von The LGBT Live e.V.;
DJane Aleksandra Lyskovicz,
JRL – Joy, Rhythm & Love,
und natürlich
die Kusinen!
Das platinblonde Familienunternehmen „Die Kusinen“ hat eine Botschaft: „Nur die Liebe lässt uns leben“! Seit 30 Jahren touren Elfi (leadvoc) und Doris (dr, voc) Schmidt, Biggie (git, voc) und Tina (b, git, voc) Lehmann sowie Kati Fischer (key, voc) durch die Lande und zollen den Schlagern der 70er-Jahre Tribut. Auf ihren Reisen von Kiel bis nach Luzern, von Köln bis nach Wien und von Rostock bis Gera erleben sie allerlei: Tina wird nicht müde zu berichten, wie sie ihrem großen Idol Mireille Mathieu die Hand schütteln durfte. Und Michael Holm hat ein Becken von Doris signiert. Aktuell freuen sich Die Kusinen unbändig darauf, beim Parkfest Friedrichshain die Bühne zu schlagern.
Außerdem werden wir die Bezirksstadträtin Frau Annika Gerold in Vertretung für die Bezirksbürgermeisterin begrüßen.
Zeitgleich, am Nachmittag:
WORKSHOP: Deine Petition für queere Rechte!
All Out ist eine globale Bewegung für Liebe und Gleichstellung, die tausende Menschen überall auf der Welt für LGBTIQ*-Rechte mobilisiert.
Treiben in deinem Kiez homophobe Politiker*innen ihr Unwesen? Gibt es in deiner Nachbarschaft einen Club, der Trans*Menschen den Zutritt verbietet? Willst du etwas dagegen unternehmen?
In einem Workshop erklärt die All Out Kampagnenmanagern Stana Iliev, wie du deine Petition richtig planst, schreibst und umsetzt, um Druck für LGBTIQ*-Rechte aufzubauen.
- Hier unser Fundraiser für die Ukraine
- Hier ein Formular wo man sich für Funding bewerben kann
- Hier die Petition zur Ehe für Alle in Ungarn.
The afternoon is a contribution to and from the russian speaking and the Ukrainian members of our family, of our international community. We will learn about the current situation for refugees, the work and challenges that their organizations, activists* and families have to deal with. Sasha will be our DJ in the afternoon. We are happy to expect an interestingcombinationof Ukrainian, russian and music of the world. On stage Sasha and Konstantin Sherstyuk will present their organizations as well : WostoQ-Regenbogen e.V.
LGBT for Life e.V.
And we will enjoy musical (drag-)performances with Fatal Flash and friends*(Allucard – is a born European that grew up in the USA. In which he had the privilege to train as dancer & Choreographer with Mr Currie principal dancer from Broadwayshow „CATS“.. it means a lot to him personally as his aunt is from the Ukraine. Norman Shelest – singer/ songwriter, originally from Kyiv, Ukraine, but lives in Berlin, Germany. Norman started his music career with the single „Save the Green“. 3. Evan Rai – is a singer, actor and model. As a model, he worked in a biggest fashion shows in Europe. Since 2018, he has opened a modeling school in Ukraine and has been teaching and preparing people for the catwalk and filming in advertising projects. 4. Loki von Dorn – Androgyne Loki, nonbinary Ukrainian unicorn, performer, model, artist. Due to the war in Ukraine, Loki was forced to interrupt his career as an actor and projects about non-binary people, but he considers it necessary to invest in the victory over the terror of Russia.“
LGBTQIA Parkfest Friedrichshain is a non profit event that is mainly organized by the diversity group of AWO Spree-Wuhle and Bezirk Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. It is an open air event at „Freiluft Kino Friedrichshain“. From 15 h till 22 h various organisations, clubs, political parties present their work and show awareness in and for the LGBTQIA Community.
Stefan Kuschner is managing and hosting the show on stage as Marie Mondieu for several years now. Always at his/her side the wonderful CHRIZZ T, DJ from the very start.
The show is a mix of political statements, performances, dj music, songs and interviews. Our guests are activists*, artists*, members* of the LGBTQIA Community and invited to present and communicate the demands of our community. But mainly we celebrate diversity and our community itself.
After a three years break because of the pandemic we are able to celebrate this „come together“ again in 2022, on 13th of August. A restart of a beloved family event. A reunion. And that gave us the idea of our Motto for this year „HALLO FAMILIE !“. Inspired by „DIE KUSINEN“. Their performance has been a heartwarming experience for the seven thousand people at the end of the evening for many years now. A singalong, dance and party ensemble to celebrate the „German Schlager“.
Also new family members will be on stage at 18 h : JOY RHYTHM & LOVE. Able to perform in close harmony singing, the three women groove with us through the decades of „international Hits and Schlager“.
The afternoon is a contribution to and from the russian speaking and the Ukrainian members of our family, of our international community. We will learn about the current situation for refugees, the work and challenges that their organizations, activists* and families have to deal with.